Pet Care International Ultra Feather to Provide Healthy Feathers for Bird Wings (100 Ml), 1 Piece

280,00 د.إ



Ultra featherLinolenic acid or Omega-3 – Contribute to healthy cell membranes and function.These fatty acids may also helps in reduces some forms of inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune conditions might help improve your cardiovascular health.Linoleic or Omega-6 fatty acids – Is necessary for healthy brain function,skin and hair growth,bone density,energy production and reproductive health.Olic or Omega-9 fatty acids -Reduces blood pressure,increase fat burning to help with weight loss and generates brain myelin.Zinc sulphate mono – Zinc is naturally occurring mineral.zinc is important for growth and for the development and health of body tissuesVitamin A – Vitamin A deficiency known as Hypovitaminois A are: A bird’s inability to resist respiratory infections and shorten the duration of illnesses. Hypovitaminois A can mean a susceptibility to increased eye illnesses, skin diseases, and changes in the mucous membrane. A Vitamin A deficiency can also lead to blood disorders and problems with urine acid in young and older birds. An adult bird with a Vitamin A deficiency can also result in poor breeding performances with poorly formed eggs lacking a hard shell and in advanced cases problems and sterility.Vitamin E – is generally needed by birds in larger amounts than by mammals. Vitamin E unlike other fat soluble vitamins is not stored in the body for long periods. Vitamin E deficiency symptoms are: Degeneration of heart and skeleton muscles, liver necroses, problems with flight and uncoordinated and trembling movements, increased susceptibility to diseases. Much as with Vitamin A deficiencies, the breeding impulse and vitality is greatly reduced, embryos development can be disturbed, and a large percentage of the embryos can die.


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